A chiropractor can help you after an accident as they are specially trained to treat injury-related problems. Often, minor injuries are treated through Physiotherapy or Massage Therapy. Still, there are times when these techniques aren’t effective, and you might need to see a Chiropractor instead.
This article discusses how Parkway Back and Foot Clinic can help after an accident. These methods are better for conditions where you want a natural and side-effect-free treatment to get back to your normal self after an accident.
Because they make up such a large and complex area of your body, shoulder injuries can be extremely complicated to treat. So first, chiropractors will examine your shoulder and assess what’s causing pain. From there, they will use massage therapy or specialized exercises to treat those specific areas.
Foot and Ankle
Injuries to your feet and ankles are very common, especially during athletic activity or after an accident. In fact, 80% of people will experience some foot or ankle injury in their lifetime. It might be tempting to try and treat yourself with home remedies, but most injuries require professional care if they’re going to heal properly.
Knee Injuries
The knee is one of our most complex joints, containing over 100 ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Because of all of these different pieces working together, it’s often one of our most unstable joints. This means it’s not only prone to injury but also one that needs extra care when recovering from injury. If you’ve ever had an injury to your knee, a chiropractor may be able to help get your knee back in shape without invasive surgery or prolonged physical therapy.
Back Injuries
When you have suffered a back injury due to an accident, you must seek treatment from someone with knowledge and experience in spinal manipulation. Treating your condition immediately will help ensure there are no long-term effects on your spine.
Reduce Inflammation
Since over 80% of people suffer from plantar fasciitis or inflammation in their foot’s fascia, it may sound strange to think that chiropractic care could reduce inflammation. But they are experts in body mechanics and how to keep your body running at peak performance.
Reduce Scar Tissue
If your ankle, knee, or hip is injured, scar tissue may develop around it. This makes mobility more difficult than it needs to be. Parkway Back and Foot Clinic can use methods like spinal manipulation and massage therapy to reduce scar tissue around your joints so that you regain full mobility after an injury.
Minimize Pain
When dealing with accident-related pains, it’s important to get in touch with your local chiropractor. They can help minimize your pain and keep you moving forward.
Restore Range of Motion
One of chiropractic’s fundamental goals is to restore normal movement and functionality to parts of your body that have been adversely affected by life’s stresses. For example, injuries could occur in your neck, back, shoulders, arms, and even your feet after a car accident. A chiropractor can use gentle manipulation to restore range of motion to these areas.
If you’ve had an accident and experienced foot pain, give your feet some rest and think about whether you might want to consult with a chiropractor. They are trained to treat most injuries, are familiar with anatomy issues common in specific body parts and are known for offering gentle treatments that are gentle and won't worsen your condition.